January 2010

January 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ashley and Dave Sparks Wedding Day!

~ Eight ~ Nine ~ Ten
What a beautiful day!
Just to give you an idea of how the day
started. Ashley got up at 4:00 a.m. to
start getting ready. We left for Sugar House
to get her hair and make up done at 5:00 a.m.
I dropped her off and then ran home to get
ready. I picked her up at 7:30 and we took
off to the temple. She looked beautiful and
it was a beautiful day!
I missed some of the first pictures but this was
Ashley with her Dad right after she came out
of the temple.
I think they are pretty happy!
(left to right) Uncle Ellery, Cori, Kev and Adam!
(lt to rt) Mindi, Alicia, Ellyn, Jessica, Ash, Chantell,
Chelsea, Monica, Cortney, Meagan and Lindsey!
The "gangsters"!
Adam and Mindi. They drove from Colorado with
all 5 of their kids.
Jessica and Tony
Brad, Lindsey, Ashley, Chelsea, Cortney
and myself.
My wonderful sisters!
Ashley's friends messing around.
Our family trying to get ready for a picture!
Dave & Ashley and his family.
Dave and all his crazy friends!
After the temple we went and ate at the Wight
House in Bountiful. There was about 108
people. This was taken at the reception.
Jack and Kev and Sarah.
The beautiful wedding cake. I ran out of time
and didn't finish setting up everything that I
wanted to be on that table. Oh well!
Isn't she the cutest thing ever!
Does Linds look happy to be there?!
Cortney and Rodger and little Ava!
Chelsea and Sarah and Joey! (Keaton was at scout
camp and Isaac had football tryouts)
My beautiful girls and new son-in-law!
The day was absolutely beautiful! I talked to
Ashley the next day and she said that she wouldn't
have changed one thing about the entire day. I
don't know what I would have done without my
sisters and family and Dave's friends and family
to help clean up. All of the cousins and family,
thank you so much for coming and spending
a memorable day with Ashley and Dave.
We love you all!


  1. Great pictures Joanie. I almost cried looking at them, your family is growing. Sarah could not look any cuter if she tried. The picture of Joe, Chels and her is darling. The wedding was perfect and everyone looked so beautiful. It was a perfect day and we were happy to be a part of it.

  2. I am still jealous! You all looked amazing! It was beautiful, it made me want to get remarried.

  3. She looks beautiful! I can't even imagine that one day I will be watching all of my little girlies getting married.

  4. You left out one of the best parts!! The pool party! It was a wonderful day with wonderful people. First time we have been out numbered and out crazies!!! You have lucked out, 3 for 3. No one could ask for more as far as your 3 wonderful son-in-laws!!! Now all we have to do is see who Lindsey comes home with. Love you!!!

  5. It was such a wonderful wedding. I told Adam it is worth any price, any length of traveling to be in a temple sealing and to spend time with family! You are giving me more credit than I deserve, though. Your post says we have 5 kids, but we really only have 4 :)

  6. Oops Mindi, I knew that! Yes I have to say the ceremony was absolutely amazing! I wouldn't miss out on being there for anything also! And Jack, you can catch the pool party on Cort's blog. I'll be stealing the pictures from her and post them later when I back track back to July 4th!
