January 2010

January 2010

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sarah Elizabeth Covington ~ One years old!

I honestly can't believe it's been one whole
year. It seems like just yesterday that
Chelsea would bring tiny little Sarah over
before she left to work and I would finish
getting ready with her and then go down
and put her in bed with Lindsey, her
Just so you know, there are a ton of pictures,
sorry! Chelsea and Joey had everyone over
on the Sunday before her birthday. This is
what happens when we fight over who gets
to hold her!
Okay, she's happy now!(Not that she
isn't when Cortney is holding her,
just a bad moment)
I just realized I didn't down load the one with
Keat in here! It's on the Beecher blog!
Cute little family!
Opening present time with all the little
cute helpers!
Ava is pretty excited about it and Sarahs
just not quite sure whats going on!
She looks fairly interested with her
new little baby.
Mom, do I honestly have to try on everything!

This is Aunt B, (Joey's Aunt Debbie) and Joey's
Grandpa Bill. (He actually was admitted to
the hospital the next day but is doing
much better)
That is Joey's brother behind him, Jeremy,
Ash and Dave and then Pat, his Grandma.
Okay, can I just play now?! (Angela and the
girls gave her this toy and a lot of beautiful
hand-me-downs.) Lucky Sarah!
She had her own little personal cake!
So what your telling me is, I get to
destroy this cake all on my own?!
And so it begins . . . . . .

How am I doing?

I didn't know I could eat it!
This is pretty good!
I'm lovin it!
Can I do this every year?
Now the rest of us get some. Debbie
and Kathy (Joey's Mom) help
dish up.
Cortney and Rodger - They gave her her
first pair of squeeky shoes.
Grandma Pat and Grandpa Bill
Ashley and Dave and Ava. (Ash and Dave
gave Sarah a cute little outfit!)
Grandpa and Grandma Bennett!
As Chelsea would say, it's sleepy sleep time!
This is Gracie making herself at home on Rodger!
Keaton wanting to have Ashley lock her
legs to see whether he could get out!
So on Sarah's actual birthday, I took
a half day off of work and went
and picked up "Bun Basket" for us
and we went to Ashley's house. (I
wanted to go to the park to have
Sarah swing) but it just so happened
Ashley realized she had a baby swing
in her backyard! Perfect. So I went
and picked up Chelsea and Sarah and
we went to visit Ash! (Sorry Cort and
Lindsey, you too, although your in
Dominican Republic with your Dad!)
I bought a little eclair and brought a
candle. Chelsea is teaching her to
blow out her candle!
and of course I'm teaching her how yummie
they are to eat!
So off to the swing set we went. She loved it!

Chelsea posting the pictures on Facebook,
I'm sure. That is "Saint", Ashley's little
puppy that honestly grows by the minute!
Trying out the slide. (That's their small
little pool house and exercise room in Dave
and Ashley's backyard)
Swingin with her mom!

The ride home! Exhausted!

Later on that evening, Chelsea and Joey went
to see his Grandpa in the hospital so I got to
spend more time with her! She loves to
crawl in and out of my chairs. It's so funny
because sometimes she gets high centered!
Check out her #1 shirt! Here she is sitting on
Annie's little towel that she sees Annie sitting
on all the time. Hope you had a great day
little Sarah. I think you are well loved!


  1. What a dolly!!! Yes, I think that she is well loved!!!

  2. Oh Sarah Sue, I sure love you! Cute blog mother.

  3. She is adorable! I love the cake eating pics!

  4. Cutest little thing EVER!! Can't get enough pics of her.. ;)
